Sunday, October 23, 2016

Super Math World - the Story

On a distant world, 

Where all of life is made of squishy cartoony shapes, and mathematical abstractions roam the hillsides, Super Math World has a problem. 

This was once a land of numbers humming in harmony -- town batteries were all filled to exactly 100% (or 1/1, as some would argue), and life was peaceful.

Until one day, the NumberMancer rose to power and turned the world against itself. "Numbers shall bow to me!" he declared, and he sought to control all that could be added or subtracted. One by one the villages fell under his wrath, and he recruited the hopeless and defeated to his armies. Each town was sapped of its energy and crippled.

Your mission -- should you choose to accept it -- is to visit each village, and restore their much-needed Blue Energy so that the factories and food supply can function efficiently. But beware -- the NumberMancer's minions mill about, looking for opportunities to strike! They are especially sensitive to large numbers.

If you do manage to make large numbers (which are strictly forbidden), you may end up in a heap of trouble. 

Good luck citizen! May the power of infinity be with you!

Play now:

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